Confirming the official had immunity, Gurgaon police chief Navdeep Singh Virk said the women had told the police the diplomat’s family “had hired them and taken them to Jeddah a few months back for working as maids”. The women worked in Jeddah for about a month and then returned to the apartment in Gurgaon where they continued to work as maids.”[The women] allege that the Saudi Arabian family detained them for the past four-five months, and they were not allowed to go out of the house, and during this period they were beaten up, raped and abused and threatened by the family and their guests,” Mr Virk said.Police raided the apartment late on Monday and rescued the women.”The women were brought to the police station and later sent to the hospital for a medical examination that confirmed rape and sexual assault,” senior Gurgaon police official Rajesh Kumar Chechi told The Indian Express newspaper.
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