Dipesh received bullet in his forehead while Sandip received in his back. According to police, both are undergoing treatment at Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital at Birgunj. Similarly, two others have been injured after police opened fire at the promises of Narayani Sub Regional Hospital in Parsa district today. The injured are hospital assistant Binod Mahato and Police Constable Narendra Chaudhari. Mahato has sustained injuries to his back and that Chaudhary to his leg. On Monday, one protestor identified as Dilip Chaurasiya, 25, had died during the demonstration. Following the Chaurasiya’s death, irate protestors have begun fresh demonstrations this morning.
Nepal ko samajik sadbhav
Dipesh received bullet in his forehead while Sandip received in his back. According to police, both are undergoing treatment at Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital at Birgunj. Similarly, two others have been injured after police opened fire at the promises of Narayani Sub Regional Hospital in Parsa district today. The injured are hospital assistant Binod Mahato and Police Constable Narendra Chaudhari. Mahato has sustained injuries to his back and that Chaudhary to his leg. On Monday, one protestor identified as Dilip Chaurasiya, 25, had died during the demonstration. Following the Chaurasiya’s death, irate protestors have begun fresh demonstrations this morning.
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