Official trailer of new Nepali movie ‘Mero Valentine’ has been released. The movie ‘Mero Valentine’ is based on the story of love and friendship. The movie directed by Suraj Subba Nalbo is a romantic story of teenage.
This movie shows friends who go through many things that normal teenagers go through. It is a romantic story of friendship, betrayal and $*x. The actors starring in the movie are Babu Bogati, Nisha Adhikari, Swotantra Pratap Shah and Susmita Dhakal. The movie has been produced by Sushil Shrestha and has been presented by Shoft Entertainment.
Many songs of the video has also been publicized. ‘Saathi’ and ‘Fanfani’ are some of the music videos of the movie that are also available on YouTube. The music videos The song ‘Saathi’ has been sang by Shreya Shotang and Nisha Adhikari is starring in the music video too.
The trailer of the video is available on YouTube and has been uploaded by the official channel of Highlights Nepal.
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