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Garchhu Sab Ko Bhalai is a song by Laxmi Dhakal and Rajkumar Baniya. The song can be expressed in the following ways. The beloved pleads to the Lord Shiva for blessing her for a good husband. For that she is even ready to visit the temples every day. She has also searched a person with whom she thinks she can live her whole life with him. In the same, the lover too says that he has also found his beloved. So he requests to the lord Shiva to manage for he wants to make her wife.  Thus the song is based on the theme of celebrating Teej. Teej is Hindu festival that is celebrated especially by the Nepalese women by observing fasting to get a good husband. Thus, the lyrics of the song are penned down by Laxmi Dhakal & Rajkumar Baniya and music is given by Rajkumar Baniya. The music video of the song is directed by Dipendra Timalsina.
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